Requirements for the preparation of abstracts of the reports of the International Symposium "Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere (MSP-2018)". With all questions please contact by e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If within a week of sending the text you did not receive a delivery message by e-mail, please contact the Working Committee by mail or phone. Additional information on the conference will be provided in the Invitation after the adoption of the report.
Requirements for the preparation of abstracts of the reports of the International Symposium
"Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere
Rules for processing the text of the reports
UDC 000.00
1 line is empty
1 line is empty
Surnames of authors: New Times Roman 10, bold
1 line is empty
The name of the organization, postal address,
phone fax. E-mail - New Times Roman 10, normal
1 line is empty
Summary in English (up to 5 lines)
New Times Roman 10, normal
1 line is empty
Font: New Times Roman 10 pt, normal. Sheet size: A5 (148x210 mm). Margins: upper, lower, left, right-2 cm. Binding 0 cm. Headers and footmarks: 1.5 cm. Left and right margins: 0 cm. Intervals before and after are 0 cm. Red line 1 cm. Line spacing - single. Alignment to width. Pages are not set.
The volume of the text of the report is no more than 4 full pages of the A5 format including a title, an annotation, an illustration and a list of references.
Materials are prepared using the MS Word 2003-2011 editor. Illustrations should be centered and submitted in JPG format or in other popular raster formats. Color reproduction is not guaranteed. It is not allowed to use figures and tables as embedded objects of other programs (EXCEL, VISIO, COREL, etc.)
The list of quoted literature is compiled according to the order of references in the text (references in the text are mandatory). The word "LITERATURE" is printed in capital letters in the center, each letter through a space, stepping back 1 interval from the last line of the main text of the article. Below, stepping back 1 interval, a list of literature is printed in accordance with the requirements of GOST for bibliographic descriptions, the font size is 10 pt. References to the literature in the text are given in figures in square brackets.
The abbreviations should be deciphered, the references to the formulas are given in parentheses.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. или на сайт (при on-line регистрации) вместе с регистрационной формой и при необходимости экспертным заключением. ">Texts of reports in electronic form are sent by E-mail to the Organizing Committee (as an attachment) to the address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the site (with on-line registration) together with the registration form and, if necessary, an expert opinion.
Reports are not edited or returned.
The following is an example of a report