Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere
Zatsepin A.G. - Chairman, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, head. lab, SIO RAS;
Kostyanoy A.G. - Deputy. Chairman, DSc, GS, SIO RAS;
Ginzburg A.I. - Scientific Secretary, Ph.D., VNS, SIO RAS;
Members of the Scientific Committee:
Alymkulov S.A. - DSc, Professor, GS, Institute of Physical and Technical Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Kyrgyzstan;
Barenblatt G.I. - DSc, Professor, GS, RAS;
Gritsenko V.A. - DSc, Head Department of Geography of the Ocean, BFU them. I. Kant;
Gulev S.K. - DSc, Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS, the Head lab., SIO RAS
Dobrolyubov S.A. - DSc, Professor, Corr. RAS, Dean of the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Zhmur V.V. - DSc, professor, Head. Department of Thermal Hydromechanics of the Ocean MIPT (State University);
Zhurbas V.M. - DSc, professor, Head. lab, SIO RAS;
Zavyalov P.O. - DSc, Corresponding Member. RAS, deputy. Director of the Institute of the Academy of Sciences;
Zimin A.V. - DSc, Head. Lab., St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute of Oriental Studies;
Zodiatis George (Dr. George Zodiatis) - DSc, Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Fr. Crete, Greece (Institute of Applied and Computational Mathematics, Crete, Greece);
Ivanov V.V. - DSc, VNS of the Department of Oceanology of the Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University;
Korotaev G.K. - DSc, Professor, Corr. RAS, scientific director of MGI RAS;
Koshlyakov M.N. - DSc, Professor, Gens, SIO RAS;
Kurbaniyazov A.K. - Ph.D., Director of the Institute of Continuing Education of the Kazakh-Turkish University, Turkestan, Kazakhstan;
Lobanov V.B. - Ph.D., Director of POI FEB RAS;
Maksimenko N.A. (Maximenko N.A.) - PhD, University of Hawaii, USA (Hawaii University, USA);
Mamedov R.M. - Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Director of the Institute of Geography, Azerbaijan;
Morozov E.G. - DSc, head. lab, SIO RAS;
Neiman V.G. - DSc, Corresponding Member. RAS, HNS, SIO RAS;
Osmar O. Möller Jr. - Prof., Director, Institute of Oceanography, University of Rio Grande, Brazil (University Rio Grande, Brazil);
Repina I.A. - DSc, Professor of RAS, head. lab, IAP RAS;
Semenov A.V. - DSc, Rector of Moscow University. S.Yu. Witte;
Sokov AV - DSc, Director of SIO RAS;
Stanichnyi S.V. - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head Department, MGI RAS;
Chashechkin Yu.D. - DSc, professor, Head. lab, IPM RAS
Chubarenko I.P. - DSc, head. laboratory of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences;
Filyushkin B.N. - DSc, GS, RAS;
Flint M.V. - Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Deputy Director of SIO RAS;
Shapiro G.I. (Georgy Shapiro) - Prof. University of Plymouth, Great Britain (Plymouth University, GB);