
October 30 - November 26, 2018 at the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, the International symposium "Mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes in the hydrosphere and atmosphere" (MSP-2018) will be held. The venue of the Symposium - the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology RAS, 117997, Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospect, 36. The organizing committee prepared the first information letter (see attachment).

The Journal of Marine Science and Engineering – JMSE (ISSN 2077-1312) is currently running a Special Issue entitled "Mesoscale and Sub-mesoscale Processes in the Hydrosphere and Atmosphere". As Guest Editor for this issue, I hereby invite you to contribute a paper to this Special Issue. I believe that your contribution will be essential for the eventual success of it.
This Special Issue will focus on physical mesoscale and sub-mesoscale processes and phenomena in the hydrosphere and atmosphere, Operational oceanography and information technologies, Instruments and methods for studying the hydrosphere and atmosphere and so on.

The Organizing Committee of the Symposium announces the extension of the deadline for applications for participation and registration of participants until June 14, 2018.


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© IORAN 2018


36 Nakhimovsky prospect
Moscow Russia
Shirshov Institute of oceanology
Driving directions

Scientific Committee

Zatcepin A.G.- Chairman
Kostianoy A.G - Vice-chairman
Ginzburg A.I. - Scientific Secretary


Phone +7(495)719-0035
Send message to organizing committee

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